Thursday 17 April 2008

Ricci reveals struggle with anorexia

Ricci reveals struggle with anorexia

Hollywood star Christina Ricci has spoken about her struggle with anorexia as a teen.
The actress admitted that she spent also much time obsessing over her appearance and that she was unable to savour her success whilst growing up.
Ricci told US TV testify Entertainment Tonight: "I was a teenager sledding through adolescence and at unity point I had a little anorexia stage and then I form of ballooned. I finger my dead body now is the adult Christina and it's what I should hold come to a long time ago if I hadn't been shtup around with my body so much.
"I was excessively busy thinking well-nigh my hide or my weight or the clothes I was eating away alternatively of just now enjoying it and locution, 'I can't conceive I get to be here. This is awesome and I'm going to have it.'"
The 27-year-old added that she had now learned non to worry near her figure, saying: "The more weight you give your criticisms, the more it's loss to affect you. Dresser is unnecessary.
"I'm the vainest person around merely I have establish a way to get that go so I can just make playfulness. You in truth have to make a decision in life that you're non going to be crippled by your insecurities."

Living Colour